Welcome to Bluebell Capital
We Transform Your Vision into Creative Results
Deal Sourcing
Through boutique research firms...
Debt Placement
Support accessing and obtaining institutional project finance.




Bluebell Capital is an initiation of Bluebell Group and an investment network initiative with sole focus on identifying great business models, great teams and great opportunities. We are creating a group of Private Investors to pursue excellent opportunities that have come up consequent to Covid-19 recession. As you know, a recession is the best purchasing time for investors since returns post-recovery are normally very high. Tough times like this are probably the only times when Good Companies (with strong fundamentals, good brand value, excellent business model and a capable management team) are also in need of equity funds and are willing to dilute their great companies on reasonable terms.

We at Bluebell Capital invest in companies and properties or Projects that are in temporary stress (due to high debt ratios or lower cash reserves) who need financial support at the moment.

We would like to introduce the concept to you and if found interesting to you, we shall share the deals formed by us for your independent evaluation.

Similarly, if you or your company is interested in accessing equity or debt capital at the moment (or Capital Restructuring), we will be happy to support that too (provided the project matches the overall theme) Looking forward to connecting with you

Evaluate opportunities for investment in Listed Companies

Provide its members a platform to present and communicate their own Projects

Deal Sourcing Through boutique research firms

Support companies in obtaining institutional project finance.

Bluebell Capital

Private Investor Group

Bluebell Capital is a new initiative of Bluebell Group to capitalise on the investment opportunities.


Our Portfolio


Verteil’s business model is disruptive — zero distribution cost to airlines, whereas GDS charges hefty fees on the Airlines.

Ahead of the pack with direct connects established with 25 large airlines.

bluebell-GEO infopark PROJECT

Bluebell Geo Tower is an upcoming IT Tower in Infopark Phase 1. Launched in the land available in Infopark Phase 1. Bluebell Geo Tower will be the gateway building to Infopark Phase 1 from the Express Highway side. Bluebell Geo Tower is promoted as a joint venture between Bluebell and Geo Global group